If you’ve been praying the Scriptural Rosary for a while, you may find you are immersed enough in its patterns to be able to pray without the accompanying Bible verses. This has certainly been my experience, and to help me recall each set of mysteries, I’ve compiled this at-a-glance summary.
Each set of mysteries begins with the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, three Hail Marys and the Gloria Patri. Within each set, each mystery begins with the Lord’s Prayer, consists of the decade of (ten) Hail Marys and ends with the Gloria Patri. Each full set of mysteries ends with the Salve Regina, beginning ‘Hail, Holy Queen’ and ending with ‘Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.’
Joyful Mysteries
- The Annunciation of Jesus’ Birth to Mary
- Mary’s Visitation to Elizabeth
- The Nativity
- The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
- Finding Jesus in the Temple
The Luminous Mysteries
- The Baptism of Jesus
- The Wedding at Cana
- Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom
- The Transfiguration
- The Institution of the Eucharist
The Sorrowful Mysteries
- The Agony in the Garden
- The Scourging at the Pillar
- The Crowning with Thorns
- The Carrying of the Cross
- The Crucifixion
The Glorious Mysteries
- The Resurrection
- The Ascension
- The Day of Pentecost
- The Assumption of Mary
- The Crowning of Mary